Mind & Heart @ Work

Mind & Heart @ Work is our core training. It provides an in-depth application of mindfulness and compassion within a busy and demanding work environment, in which attention management, stress resilience and work-life balance are key components for success and wellbeing.

The framework of the samurai is used to build a wise balance between people focus and task focus and brings together the insights from mindfulness, heartfulness and neuroscience. This allows us to find balance in your life, to think clearly, to be effective and to build an appreciative relationship with others and with your experience. You ‘ll recieve  tips and exercises on a weekly basis, which you can apply both at home and at work.

This innovative model can prove valuable to each individual and organisation that strives for a balance between observation and action, acceptance and change, people focus and task focus, executing procedures and questioning them, speaking and listening, giving advice and receiving it, clarifying values and living them.


The different modules

  • 3 hour Mind & heart @ work introduction
  • 6 hour Mind & heart @ work trainingsclass
  • 5 sessions Intensive Mind & heart @ work ( each 3 hours)
  • 7 sessions intensive Mind & heart @ work ( each 3 hours)

And we now also offer a shorter version:

  • Module A: MINDFULNESS 6 sessions ( 1.15 hour) focusing on stress-resilience, dealing with emotions and difficult situations, and life quality.
  • Module B: INTERPERSONAL MINDFULNESS 6 sessions ( 1.15 hour) focusing on kindness, empathy, compassion, non-violent communication and living from your values.

In every module a workbook and audio are included for the participants.

Also in-company

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For an overview of the 7 steps of Mind & Heart @ Work, you can click on the link below:

Mindheart@work – 7 steps