For everyone (NL)
An 8 week programm ( MBST, mindfulness based self-compassion training).
With an introduction for health care professionals ( compassion, compassion collapse, compassion fatique….)
With an contribution of professor Russel Kolts (Eastern Washington University) on Compassion focused therapy.
Find balance in your life in 7 steps
In 7 steps this book gives you clear insights and practical tools to cope better with the pressure of (working) life and to experience more inner strength, vitality, happiness and a good work-life balance. Based on the parable of “the samurai and his mother” David brings together all elements of mindfulness and heartfulness in a simple model. This model is also applicable for companies and organizations.
David Dewulf goes far beyond the predictable hype, beyond stres-reduction of measurable efficiency in this book. Silence, not knowing, humor, friendliness, compassion, room for difficult times: every contribution, how small it may be, of these values is of major importance in this overheated society. Important is also that this book invites rather than prescribes, gives choice and does not judge. I can only hope that this ethical fundament of this unconditional openess finds as much spreading as possible.
Professor Dirk De Wachter , University of Leuven, psychiatrist and author of best-selling books e.g. “Borderline Times”
This book is an invitation to be open to the many experiences and possibilities in life. I hope that a lot of people may experience of the benefits of attention, silence and unprejudiced observing and that they can live with more kindness towards theirselves and their environment.
Inge Vervotte
David Dewulf provides a substantiated methodology; gives specific tips and exercises; shares his extensive insights and experience; which can help all of us in his/her search in finding balance in and between each of the domeins in life and different roles we have (as parents, employees, employers, partners, citizens, consumers,…). A book that invites to live more heartfully and work more mindfully.
Peter Vlerick, professor work- and organisational psychology, University of Ghent
7 sources of inner joy
This book allows you to awaken a new power in you: that of inner joy and inner happiness, not determined by what people say or do not say, do or do not do. Now you can find inner happiness, and let the joy of being alive flow through you. It takes a week to read this book and to bring wisdom into your life.
This is a wonderful book about that which every human being longs for: happiness. It is rooted in the old eastern wisdom of the buddha, but it offers plenty of practical tips to live a more satisfying life in our modern western society. The form is approachable, the content is timeless. Impossible to not be inspired.
Paul Van Hooydonck , Founder of the Ehipassiko Boeddhist Center in Antwerp (Belgium)
This light-hearted, joyful, inviting book, written by a physician who has become one of Europe’s leading mindfulness teachers, can help anyone taste the joys of embracing life as it presents itself in the present moment. Through clear examples, Dr. Dewulf helps us awaken to the age-old truth that modern psychological science now corroborates: it is not the circumstances of our lives, but our reactions to those circumstances that determine our happiness. Blending insights from ancient Eastern wisdom traditions with practical, common sense guidance and simple, easy-to-follow exercises, Mindfully Happy provides a path out of everyday stress and negativity toward a lighter, more engaged, more fulfilling life.
Ronald D. Siegel, Psy.D.
Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychology, Harvard Medical School
Author, The Mindfulness Solution: Everyday Practices for Everyday Problems
I can recommend this book to anyone, and surely to those who find themselves in a difficult period. Using the 7 sources of inner joy, every day again, as good as you can, will offer you a wonderful way to re-establish happiness back into your life. If your heart is broken, the risk is to harden yourself and build a wall around your heart or to stay dwelling in your grief. This book offers you a third way, namely saying “yes” to life with its beautiful but also its dark side. The good thing about this book is that it is very easy to read and applicable for those who know nothing about meditation or mindfulness yet. That’s was my own experience during a most difficult part of my life.
Dr. Bruno Ariens, general practitioner and author of “To arise awake” and “Sleep Tight”
with mindfulness and compassion
Accepting yourself, doesn’t it sound obvious? Unfortunately, we are often very critical of ourselves. We set the bar so high, as if ‘happiness’ lies above it. We try to be good so that everyone acknowledges us. We long for unconditional love, but put ourselves in a harness of conditions. Accepting yourself with mindfulness and compassion is an invitation to come home to yourself, as you are now. The book and the unique mindfulness meditations on the accompanying CD’s assist you step by step.
In a wise, gentle voice, David Dewulf offers a delightful sequence of exercises that will gradually open your heart to itself. He understands the struggle that we all feel to accept ourselves. The author has a unique, integrated vision of mindfulness and compassion that moves us from the story-self to the now-self. The exercises and meditations presented in this book, along with the accompanying CD’s, are an invaluable companion to anyone who wishes to rediscover their own goodness and to live life more fully
Christopher Germer, PhD , Harvard Medical School.
Author of Mindfulness en selfcompassion, Co-author of Wisdom and compassion in psychotherapy
In this book you can find in a comprehensible language huge knowledge.
How can you discover your own compassion? Litteraly un-cover it from dust and stones?
How do you go from harshness to softness?
This movement of the heart, the freeing of our own compassion,
is the secret to embrace the world.
Jotika Hermsen, Insight Meditation teacher and founder of Sangha Metta, a network of loving kindness
Healing and freedom become possible as we embrace the life within us. In this simple and wise book, physician and author David Dewulf offers a weave of teachings and meditations that awaken the heart. Keep this book close by; it can help dissolve the armoring that keeps us from loving and living fully.
Tara Brach, Ph.D. Author of Radical Acceptance and True Refuge
Self-acceptance is without a doubt important when it comes to confronting life and its difficulties. We all understand the importance of a loving and kind relationship with ourselves, but the intellectual concept is not enough, there is also a need for an embodied practice; emotional and physical. Mindfulness offers us an ideal path for this practice. This practical and friendly book shows you how to walk this path.
Christophe André, Psychiatrist in the hospital of Sainte-Anne in Paris and author of “Meditating, day by day”.
Living happily and powerfully in the now-moment
This book forms the basis of the proven effective 8-week program. Mindfulness helps you to live your life happier, to develop a clear focus, strengthen your emotional intelligence, prevent dips, communicate better and much more … In a unique way, mindfulness is interwoven with key elements of positive and cognitive psychology and mind / body medicine.
David Dewulf’s book makes a wonderful contribution to the practice of mindfulness. His clear and inspiring writing will give encouragement to many as they embark on the journey of healing and wholeness. Whether you are a beginner or have meditated for years, this book will give you food for the journey.
Mark Williams , Professor of Clinical Psychology, University of Oxford and Author of The Mindful Way Through Depression
Dr. Dewulf combines substantiated research methods, mindfulness based stress reduction (MBSR) and Mindfulness based cognitive therapy (MBCT) methods with his own practical wisdom. He gives to his readers a powerfull and highly effective program to attain a bigger self-consciousness and inner peace.
Rick Hanson , Ph.D. and author of “Buddha’s Brain: The Practical Neuroscience of Happiness, Love and Wisdom”
From vulnerability to resilience
In this book you will find a collection of powerful pieces of wisdom to cope better with the storms in your life. It provides a step-by-step plan of 8 weeks with practical tools, familiar stories, interesting insights, exercises and beautiful meditations to apply self-compassion in every facet of your life. Scientific research shows that self-compassion is the basis of self-confidence, less fear of failure, more perseverance, more optimism and less self-criticism. Self-compassion also encourages behaviour that promotes your health.
This program reflects David Dewulf’s years of personal practice and teaching of both mindfulness and compassion. The exercises and meditations are written with unusual sensitivity and insight, gently touching and unfolding the heart. May these practices find a home in many lives.
Christopher Germer, PhD, Faculty, Harvard Medical School
author of The Mindful Path to Self-Compassion
David Dewulf’s new book is filled with heart wisdom. He shares with us a penetrating understanding of the ways we get stuck in difficult emotions, and the meditations that heal and free our hearts.
Tara Brach, Ph.D., Author of Radical Acceptance and True Refuge.
Gifts of love and intimacy
Mindfulness in your relationship shows you step by step how to become a gift for each other. With inspiring texts, practical examples and practical tips, David Dewulf helps you on your way to more balance and deep connection with your partner. This unique book focuses on the heartful attitude as taught by the Buddha, the loving communication in the tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh and mindful sex inspired by the Eastern tantra. This book is a recommendation for those who want to give their relationship a place in their heart.
This book is a gift. A gift in the exalted sense of the word.
Because it teaches – imperturbable in its simplicity – the real work in relationships: giving.
a glance, attention,… and giving from yourself: the gift of life as a partner. In real presence: not distracted anymore.
Prof. Dr. Piet Nijs, psychiatrist and sexologist
Meditations of joy
The long-awaited book with the meditations on CD from the bestseller “Mindfully Happy. 7 sources of inner joy.” This little booklet gives you a different perspective on the 7 sources of happiness and also contains a CD to practice the unique meditation exercises. For everyone who wants to let his inner happiness flourish. The following meditations are included: Letting go of your preconceived ideas – Open your attention to what is beautiful – Coming home in inner silence – Guarding your inner world – The wealth of giving – A grateful smile for your body – Trust.
Love meditations
Mindfulness is an invitation to experience life to the fullest. To be yourself, in your joy and your sorrow. And despite all the challenges that come your way, to love life. The four heart qualities loving kindness, compassion, shared joy and equanimity are your support. This book brings the four heart qualities with its applications in daily life. The accompanying CD contains 6 meditations.

Price: €24,5
A way to strengthen resilience, inner peace and happiness
Scientific research shows that self-compassion leads to optimism, resilience, courage and perseverance. Furthermore, our health improves and we experience more empathy, connectedness, forgiveness, love, and joy. The 18 meditations help you on your way.
The 6 CDs complement the book “The path of self-compassion” (Lannoo 2016) and the book “Self-Compassion and the awakened heart.” (LannooCampus 2017). Including the following meditations: the compassionate body scan, seeing the good, my compassionate companion, ending inner conflict, the round table of my heart, the compass of my heart, forgiveness of myself, forgiveness of others and much more.